Wildfire Season Preparedness & Prevention Protecting Property from Wildfire Risk

How to protect your property from wildfires
Property managers and property owners living in or near a wildfire prone area can play a critical role in mitigating wildfire risks around their homes and properties by undertaking FireSmartTM practices. Taking measures to FireSmartTM your property will remarkably decrease the risks of a wildfire causing damage to your home.
Assess your property’s ignition zone
- Clear gutters of dead leaves and pine needles.
- Cover existing vent openings with 1/8” or 1/16” wire mesh.
- Connect garden hose to hose bib.
- 5 ft Maintain a 1.5 m (5 ft) non-combustible zone around the property.
- Keep grass short, and the property adequately watered.
- Remove combustible materials around the propertly. (ie. firewood, furniture)
- Prune tree branches within 2 m of the ground.
Please Note: The image was adapted and recreated from FireSmart Canada’s “Home Ignition Zones.” FireSmart is a registered trademark of Partners in Protection Association. This FireSmart agency, company program and or website are produced independently from the FireSmart name, and carries no guarantee from Partners in Protection Association about quality, suitability or anything else. The supplier of this name assumes all responsibility for its use.
- Maintain a 1.5 meters non-combustible zone around your property.
- Clear debris from gutters including dead leaves and pine needles.
- Prune tree branches within 2 meters of the ground.
- Remove combustible materials from around the property. (i.e. firewood, furniture).
- This includes an adequate clearance zone of 30 meters from grassland and 100 meters from woodland and forest.
- Keep grass short, and the property adequately watered.
- Cover existing vent openings with 1/8” or 1/16” wire mesh”.
- Connect garden hoses to a hose bib or faucet.
- Turn on lights to increase visibility for firefighters.
- Place lawn sprinklers on roof tops.
- Close windows and doors, including interior doors.
- Prepare for evacuation by having a written evacuation plan and follow all government orders.
Increase wildfire resilience with FireSmartTM Canada
FireSmartTM Canada is a national program that helps Canadians increase resilience to wildfire and minimize its negative impacts. Their programs aim to provide homeowners, residents and communities with tools and resources to be better prepared when wildfires occur.
To learn more, visit: firesmartcanada.ca
FireSmart is a registered trademark of Partners in Protection Association. This FireSmart agency, company program and or website are produced independently from the FireSmart name, and carries no guarantee from Partners in Protection Association about quality, suitability or anything else. The supplier of this name assumes all responsibility for its use.