Barry F. Lorenzetti donates $500,000 to create the Barry F. Lorenzetti Centre for Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Barry F. Lorenzetti, President, CEO and Founder of BFL CANADA, recently donated $500,000 to the Campaign for Concordia to create the first-ever Women in Business Centre: the Barry F. Lorenzetti Centre for Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership.
This generous initiative for Concordia University aims to provide a hub of expertise and research for women entrepreneurs and leaders while supporting women’s research, learning and leadership. In addition, it will make scholarships and fellowships available to students.
The Barry F. Lorenzetti Centre for Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership will be located at the John Molson School of Management and co-led by Ingrid Chadwick and Louise Champoux-Paillé. The various activities that will be implemented will be based on equity, diversity and inclusion in the business world, values that are particularly important at BFL CANADA. “Entrepreneurship involving women is fundamental for creating new jobs and contributing to the social and economic growth of our society” said Barry F. Lorenzetti. “Women promote social growth worldwide!”
A graduate of the John Molson School of Management, Lisa Giannone, Regional Vice President—Eastern Canada at BFL CANADA, tells us that the centre “will bring together diverse female leaders and entrepreneurs in the business community with academic leaders to bridge research and practice. This is so important; empowering women fuels thriving economies across the world.” Lisa will be working closely with the new Centre’s leadership team and will act as an advisory.
This initiative is fantastic news for students at Concordia University and all women in business!